Fast Fashion as a Worldwide Environmental Fairness Concern: Seeking

Fast Fashion as a Worldwide Environmental Fairness Concern: Seeking

Alternative Solutions Fashion industry in the past few decades has undergone a tremendous change due to fastfashion. Fast fashion is the process of manufacturing cheap clothing quickly often inspired byrecent catwalks or social media trends. However, while it has made...
7 Great Things That Happened in Pakistan During 2024

7 Great Things That Happened in Pakistan During 2024

Pakistan during 2024 has seen remarkable progress and growth in various sectors. The country has witnessed significant developments that have had a positive impact on the economy, society, culture, technology, environment, and politics. Here are 7 great things that...
BISP – Breaking Down Benazir Income Support Program

BISP – Breaking Down Benazir Income Support Program

BISP Introduction The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) stands as one of Pakistan’s most significant social safety net initiatives. Launched in 2008 by the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) government, it was named after former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, who...
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