Fast Fashion as a Worldwide Environmental Fairness Concern: Seeking

Fast Fashion as a Worldwide Environmental Fairness Concern: Seeking

Alternative Solutions Fashion industry in the past few decades has undergone a tremendous change due to fastfashion. Fast fashion is the process of manufacturing cheap clothing quickly often inspired byrecent catwalks or social media trends. However, while it has made...
7 Great Things That Happened in Pakistan During 2024

7 Great Things That Happened in Pakistan During 2024

Pakistan during 2024 has seen remarkable progress and growth in various sectors. The country has witnessed significant developments that have had a positive impact on the economy, society, culture, technology, environment, and politics. Here are 7 great things that...

PPRA Tender – Pakistan Public Works Department, Lahore

The Pakistan Public Works Department (PWD) is a government agency responsible for the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of public infrastructure in Pakistan. Its major role revolves around the development and upkeep of various types of infrastructure,...